lucrecia borgia cónyuge

While she may have accepted the fruits of her family’s schemes, it is likely that her father and brother merely used her to advance their own political agendas. © 2021 Biography and the Biography logo are registered trademarks of A&E Television Networks, LLC. Lucrezia Borgia, česky též Lukrécie ( 18. dubna 1480, Subiaco – 24. června 1519, Ferrara) byla dcera kardinála Rodriga de Borja, pozdějšího papeže Alexandra VI. Paraules clau: Lucrècia Borja, Mecenazgo, Tiziano. Lucrezia Borgia v audioknize Vatikánská princezna. Presently, the beautiful creature is married to the Count of Pesaro but she would be more useful if she was the wife of Alphonse of Aragon. Is Lucrecia Borgia still alive? …the king of Naples; and Lucrezia was given first to Giovanni Sforza of Milan, and, when that marriage was annulled by papal decree on the grounds of impotence, she was married to Alfonso of Aragon. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Reports of her pregnancy were initially refuted, but in March 1498 a son, Giovanni, was born in secret (he wouldn’t be publically revealed until three years later). Lucrècia Borja Donna di rara e documentata bellezza, affascinante e astuta, si ritrovò spesso coinvolta negli intrighi delle corti italiane del suo tempo, legata alle fortune della sua potente famiglia; ammirata e temuta allo stesso tempo, perfetta castellana rinascimentale, acquistò la fama di abile politica e accorta diplomatica . Lucrezia Borgia (egyéb névváltozatok: Lucretia Borgia, Borgia Lukrécia (Subiaco, 1480. április 18., – Ferrara, 1519. június 24. Ring in the new year with a Britannica Membership, This article was most recently revised and updated by, Borgia's new husband was initially hesitant because of the Borgia reputation. Moje od dětství oblíbená kniha. A Ferrara. Oficiální stránky hudební skupiny Lucrezia Borgia. Accordingly, Lucrezia was in 1493 married to Giovanni Sforza, lord of Pesaro. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. On July 15, 1500, Alfonso was stabbed several times, but he survived. – Ferrara , 24. lipnja 1519. ) Her mother was Italian noble Her mother died at the age of 76 (Lucrecia was 38 years old). Her three successive marriages into prominent families helped augment the political and territorial power of the Borgias. Nie je známy žiadny autentický portrét Lucrezie, iba niekoľko malieb, ako napr. 1 Lucrecia Borgia, promotora y objeto de arte. In July 1500 he was wounded by four would-be assassins on the steps of St. Peter’s. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Jej bratia boli Cesare Borgia, Giovanni Borgia a Gioffre Borgia. With this marriage, Borgia managed to rise above her family’s reputation, and she thrived in her new surroundings. 6 [2017-2018], Revista Borja Lucreția Borgia (n. 18 aprilie 1480, Subiaco, Statele Papale – d. 24 iunie 1519, Ferrara, Statele Papale) a fost fiica lui Rodrigo Borgia, un potentat din Valencia renascentistă care a devenit mai târziu Papa Alexandru al VI-lea, și a Vannozzei dei Cattanei.I-a avut ca frați pe Cesare Borgia, Giovanni Borgia și Gioffre Borgia. The child's paternity was never established, and Rome's gossips later wondered whether he was the product of incest, or whether Borgia was truly his mother. Borgia's life became more stable, and when Alfonso’s father died in 1505, Borgia and Alfonso became the reigning duke and duchess of Ferrara. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Pope John Paul II made history in 1978 by becoming the first non-Italian pope in more than 400 years. Přidejte se na Facebook a spojte se s Lucrecia Borgia a dalšími lidmi, které znáte. The death remains a mystery, but Lucrezia’s brother Cesare was assumed to be Pedro’s killer. Hacia el posible retrato de la hija del papa Alejandro VI . The murder provoked the desired rupture with Naples. Join Facebook to connect with Lucrecia Borgia and others you may know. He killed his mother, persecuted Christians and is said to have "fiddled while Rome burned.". Lucrezia Borgia (Subiaco, 18. travnja 1480. Two papal bulls recognized the child as the illegitimate son first of Cesare, then of … From overcoming oppression, to breaking rules, to reimagining the world or waging a rebellion, these women of history have a story to tell. Upon Cesare’s alliance with the French king Louis XII (1499) and his subsequent campaign in the Romagna, which threatened Naples, Alfonso fled Rome in August but returned with Lucrezia in October. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Facebook. ), katalánul: Lucrècia Borja, itáliai hercegnő.Rodrigo Borgia, a későbbi VI.Sándor pápa és Vannozza de Cattanei leánya. Borgia reportedly spoke and wrote several languages, among them Italian, French, Latin and Greek. Seeking to strengthen his ties with Naples, the Pope in 1498 arranged a marriage between Lucrezia and the 17-year-old Alfonso, duke of Bisceglie, an illegitimate son of Alfonso II of Naples. Corrections? dcera kardinála Rodriga de Borja, pozdějšího papeže Alexandra VI. 139 likes. los diseños lucrecia borgia estan en -sta. When Lucrecia born she was 37 years old. View the profiles of people named Lucrecia Borgia. Lucrecia Borgia. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... Meet extraordinary women who dared to bring gender equality and other issues to the forefront. Lucrezia Borgia. When Alexander VI died in 1503, Lucrezia ceased to play a political role and led a more normal life at the brilliant court of Ferrara, which became a centre for the arts and letters of the Italian Renaissance. As Roman emperor, Nero’s reign was lavish and tyrannical. But history has recently been kinder to Borgia, and she is now increasingly viewed as more of a pawn in the wicked games of her family than as a real participant. Upon his assassination Lucrezia received as a third husband Alfonso I d’Este, duke of Ferrara.…. Dins de: Articles, Núm. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Borgia was married for the first time before entering her teenage years. Rocková sestava; Paralelně s klasickou Lucrézií Borgií působí i její rocková odnož, která je vhodná pro velká pódia, rockové i jiné hudební festivaly či … However, this does not prevent him from marrying her off at the earliest opportunity to Giovanni Sforza, a loutish brute whose family rules the powerful city-state of Milan. A leading figure of Italian High Renaissance classicism, Raphael is best known for his "Madonnas," including the Sistine Madonna, and for his large figure compositions in the Palace of the Vatican in Rome. The mysterious origin of the child as well as Lucrezia’s presence at a celebrated night orgy at the Vatican have been used to support the rumours of incest in the Borgia family. Lucrèce Borgia (Christian-Jaque, 1953) 6/10. CD 01-Bud _vitan_rytiri.mp3 02-Morituri_Rim_ave_krestane.mp3 04-Markytanka.mp3 06-Za_cest_a_pro_slavu.mp3 08-Lasce_kdyz_preje_noc.mp3 10-Dablovi_treba_je_platit.mp3 12-Blanik.mp3 14-Az_me_jednou_naverbuji.mp3 16-Sel_vojak_sel_kolem.mp3 Alexander annulled the marriage in 1497 on the dubious grounds of nonconsummation. While famous figures such as Leonardo da Vinci were innovating their way into history, the Borgia legacy, conversely, is one of violent political corruption involving a power-hungry clan who sought to control large parts of Italy. Lucrezia retired to Nepi, and during this period the mysterious Infans Romanus (Roman Infant) was first seen, the three-year-old boy named Giovanni, with whom Lucrezia appeared in 1501. Four years later, Borgia's marriage became less politically advantageous, and Pope Alexander VI sought to have it annulled under the pretense of the relationship never having been consummated. In July 1498, Lucrezia was married to Alfonso, Duke of Bisceglie and the illegitimate son of the King of Naples. bila je talijanska plemkinja, vojvodkinja od Ferrare od 1505. do 1519. kao supruga vojvode Alfonsa I od Este . After becoming pregnant from an amor… Acte 1. Zobrazit profily lidí, kteří se jmenují Lucrecia Borgia. In July 1498, Borgia married Alfonso of Aragon, the 17-year-old Duke of Bisceglie and son of the late king of Naples, and they had a child together. Kniha Lucrezia Borgia Přidat komentář. Celý ho organizovali pápež Alexander VI. On August 18, his luck ran out, when, as is generally believed, Cesare’s hired men to strangle Alfonso to death as he lay recovering from his previous stab wounds. Autor: Macarena Crespo Álvarez. It is speculated that her withdrawal was in response to the news that Rodrigo, her son by Alfonso of Aragon, had died. Borgia was born during the Italian Renaissance, when artists, architects, and scientists were reaching new levels of accomplishment and transforming their world. Lucrezia Borgia was an Italian noblewoman and daughter of Pope Alexander VI. It was alleged to be characteristic of the Renaissance Papacy. Kontakt. To this end he needs his sister Lucrezia. Borgia was born on April 18, 1480, in Subiaco, near Rome. Updates? Lorenzo de' Medici was Florentine statesman, ruler and patron of arts and letters, the most brilliant of the Medici. Lucrezia Borgia was the daughter of future pope Alexander VI, and her three marriages into influential families helped build the political power of her own family. While recovering, he was strangled by one of Cesare’s servants. Stala se pověstná svou krásou a účastí na zločinech své rodiny. Daughter of the Spanish cardinal Rodrigo Borgia, later Pope Alexander VI, and his Roman mistress Vannozza Catanei, and sister of Cesare, Lucrezia is often accused of sharing in their many crimes and excesses. Italian Dominican theologian Saint Thomas Aquinas was one of the most influential medieval thinkers of Scholasticism and the father of the Thomistic school of theology. She turned to religion in her last years and died at the age of 39. No, she died on 07/04/1519, 501 years ago. Lucrezia Borgia (French: Lucrèce Borgia) is an 1833 play by the French writer Victor Hugo.It is a historical work portraying the Renaissance-era Italian aristocrat Lucrezia Borgia.The play (along with Angelo, Tyrant of Padua) is believed to have been a major influence on Oscar Wilde's The Duchess of Padua (1891). He was whispered to be a favourite of Lucrezia’s and was another contender for the father of her rumoured child. Bandzone. When Alexander allied himself with Naples, and Milan with the French, Giovanni, fearing for his life, fled from Rome and became an enemy of the Borgias, later charging incestuous relations between Lucrezia and Alexander. She was the daughter of Cardinal Rodrigo Borgia, who would later become Pope Alexander VI, and one of his mistresses, Vannozza Cattanei, who was also the mother of Borgia's two older brothers, Cesare and Giovanni. She had three political marriages, arranged for her family's advantage, and likely had several adulterous alliances. Rumors of incest with Cesare have chased her through the centuries, and events such as the birth of her mysterious baby, the death of her second husband at the hands of assassins, and her attendance of the Banquet of Chestnuts (an orgy hosted by Cesare Borgia involving 50 prostitutes and countless members of the clergy) have only added to the persona. Životopis. In historical perspective, however, she seems to have been more an instrument for the ambitious projects of her brother and father than an active participant in their crimes. 2020 I když opomeneme skutečnost, jak nezpochybnitelnou službu prokázal v krajích mezi Aší a Košicemi Lucrezii Borgii Jiří Schelinger písničkou z roku 1977, je faktem, že středověká šlechtična se stala už dávno na staletí světovou ikonou i … In 1512, Borgia withdrew from public life and turned to religion. This marriage was arranged by Cesare to consolidate his position in the Romagna. Lucrezia Borgia, (born April 18, 1480, Rome—died June 24, 1519, Ferrara, Papal States), Italian noblewoman and a central figure of the infamous Borgia family of the Italian Renaissance. "use strict";(function(){var insertion=document.getElementById("citation-access-date");var date=new Date().toLocaleDateString(undefined,{month:"long",day:"numeric",year:"numeric"});insertion.parentElement.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(date),insertion)})(); Subscribe to the Biography newsletter to receive stories about the people who shaped our world and the stories that shaped their lives. Over the next several years, Borgia gained a reputation as a patron of the arts, and she presided over a famed and flourishing artistic community. Lavish french production is shot in stunning colour by the great Christian Matras. Lucrezia Borgia 1. Lucrezia retired to Nepi, and during this period the mysterious Infans Romanus (Roman Infant) was first seen, the three-year-old boy named Giovanni, with whom Lucrezia appeared in 1501. She was engaged to one nobleman and then another before her father had the engagements dissolved so that he could arrange for her to be married to Giovanni Sforza, 15 years her senior, who was Lord of Pesaro and Count of Catignola. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Zdroj: jana14. Sobre los gustos de Lucrecia a este respecto nada se sabe, pero no así de los de Alfonso d’Este, que tal vez en homenaje a su nueva esposa estuvo al frente de un conjunto de seis violas en los festejos de su propia boda, que se reflejan en este disco de Capella de Ministrers. Lucrezia Borgia (April 18, 1480–June 24, 1519) was the illegitimate daughter of Pope Alexander VI (Rodrigo Borgia) by one of his mistresses. Two papal decrees were issued on the matter, the first stating that Giovanni was the illegitimate son of Cesare and the next stating that he was the illegitimate son of Pope Alexander. She had clearly consummated a relationship with some individual, however, because when annulment was officially granted on December 27, 1497, Borgia was six months pregnant.
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